Input Sources ============= Kubernetes cluster inspection ----------------------------- Kubernetes clusters are inspected using's Java client. See for configuration. Parsing can be configured via a URL, i.e. the examined namespace can be given (otherwise all namespaces are scanned) and a label for building groups can be named. Both parameters and even the whole URL are optional. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: identifier: k8s:example name: Kubernetes example sources: - url: format: kubernetes Rancher 1 Cluster Inspection ---------------------------- Rancher clusters can be indexed one project (aka environment in the GUI speak) at a time. Access credentials can be read from environment variables. To exclude internal stacks, like those responsible for internal networking, blacklist them. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: identifier: rancher:example name: Rancher 1.6 API example config: groupBlacklist: [".*infra.*"] sources: - url: "http://rancher-server/v2-beta/" projectName: Default apiAccessKey: ${API_ACCESS_KEY} apiSecretKey: ${API_SECRET_KEY} format: rancher1 Nivio proprietary format ------------------------ Nivio provides its own format which allows to set all model properties manually (see :ref:`Model and Syntax` section). Reading from CSV ----------------------------- Nivio can parse CSV files regarding rows as landscape items. The order of the columns in the file is important because headers are ignored and not mapped automatically. Instead, each column number, starting at zero, can be assigned to an item property in the ``mapping`` configuration. Additionally, the CSV separator char and the number of lines to skip (usually 1 for the header row) can be set. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: sources: - url: "./services/test.csv" format: csv mapping: identifier: 1 name: 0 description: 2 providedBy: 3 separator: ";" skipLines: 1 Reading and Mapping from JSON ----------------------------- Any JSON file or URL can be parsed and mapped into a landscape description. Existing structures are mapped to landscape components using JSONPath, a query language to traverse JSON objects and select specific properties. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: identifier: example:customjson name: Custom JSON example sources: - format: customJSON url: /mnt/items.json mapping: items: "$.items" item: identifier: "$.id" endOfLife: "$" name: '$.moreThanAName|find "([\\w\\s]*),"' "$.a_named_link" nivio.relations.inbound: "$.@dependencies.@upstream|fetch|$.items[*].id" nivio.relations.providers: "$.infra|fetch|$.items[*].id" The folling mapping steps are supported: * **JsonPath**. Simply add the path expression. Note that the root for items is the root of the assigned JSON subnode. For more info on JsonPath, see * **fetch** an URL, starting with the keyword _fetch_ * **find** a subtext using regular expressions. starting with the keyword _find_. Make sure to put lines containing regexes in **single quotes** and surround the pattern with **double quotes** (a CSV parser is used in combination with a YAML parser, so this is the combination that works). Reading from GraphViz dot files ------------------------------- is a graph visualisation software which uses the dot language to describe graphs. It is possible to add arbitrary attributes to nodes and edges, so nivio can use these attributes to enhance items and relations. However, it is necessary to prefix attributes that should be taken into account using the string "nivio_". .. code-block:: dot :linenos: digraph G { main [ nivio_owner = Marketing, nivio_software="Wordpress 2.0", nivio_group=FooBar, nivio_contact="" ] main -> parse -> execute main -> init [nivio_format = json, nivio_type=PROVIDER, nivio_description="init the procedure", nivio_frameworks="PHP:7.2,Angular:9"] main -> cleanup execute -> make_string execute -> printf init -> make_string main -> printf execute -> compare } Also remember to put non-ascii words (like email addresses) or sentences into double quotes. To configure this as input source, add: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: sources: - url: "./test/" format: dot External data ------------- Nivio can load external data that cannot be used directly to build landscapes, but is still valuable. For example, the number of GitHub issues might be interesting to see on a landscape item that is an open source component. To attach such data to landscape components, use links having special known identifiers like "*github*" or "*sonar*". This is work in progress. Currently supported link identifiers are: * ``github`` for GitHub repositories * ``gitlab`` for GitLab repositories * ```` for Spring Boot health actuators .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: items: - identifier: nivio links: github: http://localhost:8090/actuator/health # sonar: http://hihi.huhu not implemented yet